I'm an academic philosopher.
I study moral responsibility and the features that make us more or less responsible, from our internal capacities to the environmental and social/political circumstances we encounter. In particular, I investigate the nature, function, and ethics of practices by which we hold one another responsible, like blame, apology, and forgiveness. I'm particularly interested in the limitations of these practices and how they might be reformed or replaced.
My academic work focuses primarily on moral responsibility, blame, and forgiveness. Recently, I have been writing about how and when we should blame, apologize, and forgive. But I have also written book reviews and blog posts, recorded podcasts, and given public lectures about forgiveness, political apology, global poverty, and tobacco control.
I've taught courses in ethics, social and political philosophy, and philosophy of action (free will, agency, and responsibility), as well as applied ethics, science and engineering ethics, business ethics, research ethics, and technology ethics. I have also done some private ethics consulting.